Cryptocurrency Information and Support

The world is becoming globalized with new Monetary instruments called cryptocurrency.  Because Cryptocurrency is a digital currency, it is built with cryptographic protocols that make transactions very secure and difficult to create fraud with.  Most importantly cryptocurrency is not controlled by any central authority.  Since cryptocurrency is decentralized with blockchain that makes cryptocurrency immune to government interference and control.  Cryptocurrency makes it easier to conduct transactions.  That is because transfers are simlplified through the use of both private and public keys for privacy and security purposes. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies now available but Bitcoin was the start of it.  Here are some details and support tools to help you to understand how and what they are.  More importantly, you will find out just what they mean to you.

First, Lets break down the basics of what Bitcoin represents:

The single most important thing here is that Bitcoin is the world’s first form of decentralized money.

  • Bitcoin is a store of value that is censorship-resistant
  • Bitcoin immutable against manipulation by central entities, authorities and governments.  There is no one entity, person or control point with unequal “authority”.  Consensus verified, and without anyone controlling it.
  • Since it is decentralized you need every single entity of the network to do its job.  Every peer in the network has to have a list with all of the transactions to check.   That way they can see if future transactions are valid so that funds cannot be double spent.
  • If the peers of the network disagree about one single balance, everything is broken.  There has to be absolute consensus in this process.
Because of the decentralized structure and peer-to-peer protocol of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin network is able to operate as its own economy, without intermediaries or third party service providers.  It comes down to just entries in a database no one can change without fulfilling specific conditions.

First, with the fast pace of the blockchain technologies comes both risk and reward.  With good things you always have to look for and prevent the bad.  To protect the consumers from this, there are regulations are taking place across the globe.  Note that OMINEX is the leader in making this happen.  They are the ones you need to keep your eye on.

  • Global regulators are dealing with how to police the decentralized cryptocurrency space.
  • Regulation announcements have driven the price of bitcoin and other digital assets.
  • CNBC compiled a list of where key regions stand on the issue.

Cryptocurrency – How to Protect and Operate within Compliance and Legality Globally:

The leader in this is a company called OMINEX.  OMINEX is backed by the engineering and solutions of regulatory guidelines in the IPO and Crowd Funding Space. In 2017 they took their knowledge and understandings of regulations to the blockchain and ICO space.  Their role in the new future is offering Compliant Token Solutions.

OMINEX is a complete token compliance and user management system that supports compliant tokens
in the U.S and worldwide.

Clients can raise funds worldwide with their KYC only product, and from U.S. investors with their SEC compliant Regulation D, S, A+ and CF solutions. They have even created the Open Compliance Project to help contribute to the evolving worldwide regulatory framework.

OMINEX offers KYC/AML, Investor Accreditation, and document signing built around a compliance engine for 150 countries.
Legal Support

OMINEX works with an extensive network of securities attorneys who can provide offering documents if needed, but we aren’t lawyers.

Easy To Use

They also make purchasing tokens as easy as shopping online. Users no longer need to cut and paste hash codes or follow an 8-page tutorial to complete a purchase. OMINEX offers an easy to use interface with everything built-in so anyone can do it.

To handle this massive task, OMINEX put together their “Open Compliance Project” to support international regulations.  This allows them to have an ongoing platform and support community to keep up with this infinite space of growth.   There needs to be regulation and compliance done to protect the users and investors because new new tokens are coming out daily,.   The number of new coin offertings is surpassing 20 new Token Solutions offered each and every day.  Because of this they need to be regulated to protect the consumers. This is where OMINEX comes in.

So the Solutions offered include:

  • Solutions for vetting out and verifying legitimacy of the new coins offered world wide.
  • Allowing the Users to participate in new vetted ICO’s easily
  • (via the OMINEX WALLET)
  • Easy access to view the top Coins and to be able to buy, sell and or aquire easily within a single Wallet.
  • Paving the way of the Future therefore this will be the #1 User Wallet and Solution for accessing and working with Cryptocurrencies.

The things that OMINEX is doing is becoming larger and larger in scale.  They are rolling out new features and benefits so to handle the demand that Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain deployment will create.